Caesar Rodney Institute – Center for Education Excellence

The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, and Delaware-based public policy think tank committed to protecting individual liberties. CRI creates fact-based analyses to help Delawareans make more informed decisions. 

Public School Review

Since 2003, Public School Review has been providing rigorous data analysis of USA public schools. By regularly analyzing and updating numerous public data sets from federal and state education agencies, the site evaluates schools relative to each other and to state-wide averages for a multitude of important data points.

Reason Foundation

Reason Foundation was founded in 1978 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The organization produces respected public policy research on a variety of issues including education. 

Delaware Report Card

State data presented in an easy-to-understand format about the performance of all schools and school districts in Delaware.

Delaware Department of Education Data Reports   

Find Delaware-specific data reports and statistics for educational topics like student enrollment, staff, school and student performance, health and wellness and spending.

The Nations Report Card, U.S. Department of Education

A common measure of student achievement, this resource offers a window into the state of our K-12 education system and how well our children are learning. Data is searchable by state.

National Center for Educational Statistics

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.

Schooling Delaware 

A concerned parent in Delaware started this site to shine a light on the harmful ideology being pushed on children in schools.  

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